Monday, October 29, 2018

Dummycrat Is Hate Speech According To Facebook

Editorial By Leonard Lenny Vasbinder
October 29, 2018

On October 5, 2018, on my main Facebook page, @LennyVasbinder, I posted a link to a news article related to the upcoming election on Tuesday, November 6, 2018.  As part of my comment about the news article, I made a rather benign joke, "And remember, to cut back on lines, Republicans vote on Nov. 6 and democrats vote on Nov. 7. :D" Yes, I included the Big Smiley to further indicate it was a joke as if it wasn't already obvious to everyone--except a dummycrat.

Apparently, this benign joke was so offensive to Facebook that they deleted my post and put me in Facebook Jail for 30 days. Yes, I have previously been in Facebook Jail for one-day and three-day stints.

Here is a screenshot of the notice that I got from Facebook before being put in Facebook Jail for 30 days.

I get out of Facebook Jail in five days and will be back to my antics but in the interim, I have started exploring the social media site,, and my new profile there is I heard about Snippy on the Buck Sexton talk radio show.

1 comment:

  1. Farcebook is not a friend to freedom of speech.Have been put on 30 day suspensions twice now because of posting anti-immigrant posts and pro 2A posts.Will NEVER return to Farcebook again!They can shove it.They are a socialist run organization.Freedom of speech is only free if opposing views are allowed.
